White Circle Vector


for Office

Yes. All of Them.

Twitter @LeviForOffice

Stickers with I voted inscription and flag of USA
Vector illustration of a yellow Labrador dog

About me

I am That Dog on Twitter, the Official Dog of Pennsylvania and everything else. Some people say I am not a dog because dogs we cannot type.


Play Button Illustration

I have my Human Assistant, of course. They plug device in for charging battery. I cannot do it myself because paws.

Anyway, basically that is me, just not including anything else. (There are a lot of everything elses: GRITTY, amirite?)

How it started


We were at home *all* the time because COVID. And Jawn, he was zooming, but he did not include me. Rude.

HA, they were also at home *all* the time and Very Online for Election Twitter. (OMD so many primaries...) So idk it just sort of...happened.

For serious, Election Twitter and Dog Twitter, they are basically almost a circle. Then Animal Caucus happened because obviously. Who knew everyone needed an Official Dog? Even GRITTY said hiii.

And so there we were and here we are.

Thin Swirly Arrow Marker Line

click me

Dog Paw Illustration


How it’s going


It’s a New Year, a new election cycle, and a new-ish us. So much has changed.

What started so randomly has been such a gift and a privilege—so many

besties, righteous fights, a rescued piglet, hijinks, and officialing. After the election, after

that guy bought Twitter, after HA started a new job, the lingering question was whether Levi should retire. Levi and I, we didn’t want to, there’s still so much to do. (Yes, it is “we.”)

The Venn diagram of my opinions and the Senator’s was never a circle, but it felt like they overlapped a lot. But that isn’t true anymore. I can’t in any way condone a position on Gaza that does not recognize and condemn the violence perpetrated against innocent Palestinian civilians. Nor do I condone the actions of Hamas. I don’t know how to stop this cycle, I just know we have to, and I’m utterly disappointed in the rhetoric of the Senator and the actions of the US government.

So after three years (!) as the Fetterman dog…

Levi is now just himself: @LeviForOffice, a progressive pup advocating for issues and candidates, eyerolling at unbelievable humans, and, as ever, looking for cheese.

Human Assistant

So now what

A lot will be the same. There are so many reasons Levi didn’t retire. But a few things will be different.

Levi changed his Twitter to @LeviForOffice. As a motherfluffing star, he’s joining Madonna, Elvis, and Beyoncé (among others) to have just one name.

As a Political Animal™️, he’s expanding his horizons to support candidates at any level, and ballot measures, beyond Pennsylvania. He has a lot to learn, so will probably focus on just a handful.

Also as a Political Animal™️, he will be louder about his and HA’s views on politics and policies, regardless of whether they align with any single individual or the official line of the Democratic party writ large.

Levi’s returning to his roots and will be doing more to support issues and charitable organizations close to his heart.

The shenanigans of HA’s OG and Jr pups will appear more because obviously.

That’s it for now, who knows what will actually happen.

jr pup

OG pup

Our Politics

(not pawlatics)

As liberals, we are supposed to protect the most vulnerable. Full stop.

That’s the “us” versus “them,” whether you label yourself a socialist (we don’t) or a moderate (we don’t). Policy tradeoffs are inevitable, but what you value, what you prioritize—that shows who you are. Sometimes you don’t get the policy you wanted: but what you aimed for matters. We do the best we can in the system, the world, we live in, and part of that is trying to change it for the better.

The Democrats have a big tent—a blessing and a

curse. We need a diversity of ideas. We need strength

in numbers. But the differences in values: there are

people who are in our tent in name only. There are

people who believe the tent is just fine where it is,

or maybe just needs a nudge to move over a

few feet. We’re not even in the right zip code (left,

we need to move left).

Cory Booker said, “If this country hasn’t broken your heart, you don’t love her enough.” Yes, because our country is people: so, so many people, and we don’t love ourselves, all of us, enough. So yes, our hearts break daily.

But the fight goes on and big dreams never die.

Vintage Circus Show, Big Top Tent Marquee

p.s. a budget is a moral document. tax the rich.

Organizations we support

Non-profits exist because of gaps between the market economy and public policy. These are products, services (etc.) that are out of reach for many because of market forces, and “the government” does not support them (enough) as public goods—for whatever reasons. Consider housing, abortion, the climate crisis, food insecurity, and healthcare. These are all areas where you see varying levels of (insufficient) access because of the government, business, and nonprofit organizations (including philanthropy).

Being a nonprofit organization is simply a tax designation from the IRS. It does not define whether what the organization and its employees do is “good” or “bad.” There are controversies around individual organizations, as well as debates about the system overall.

That said, there are causes that are personally compelling, and where familiarity with specific organizations creates trust in what they do and how. These are a few that we support:

Text box notes paper

We support *only* the local affiliates—the actual clinics providing services—and intentionally do not donate to Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Comic Text Box

JED supports emotional wellness of young adults, including suicide prevention.

Empty Speech Bubble, Call out Shape 02

Youth Villages helps children who have emotional and behavioral disorders, and/or have experienced abuse, suicidal ideation or attempt, or family issues or instability.

Empty Speech Bubble, Call out Shape 02

Our stores

We have shirts and stuff. Mostly shirts.

Right Arrow Circle Icon

and also stuff.

Right Arrow Circle Icon

coming, eventually


hold that thought

National Cheese Reserve

Democracy - dictionary definition highlighted
heart Healthcare


Hands Patterned with the Rainbow Flag
Abortion Protest

Human Rights

Work hard

Economics and Social Safety Net

hiii hiii

Sad Rescue Dog Lying in Wire Cage

Animal Welfare

School Essentials


funny cat


2024 Elections




Ballot Measures